Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Little BeBe!

We have a new piggy!!! She's a little 8 month old abby-peruvian mix, and she's a little darling! We got her from a rescue. Her name from the rescue is Phoebe, I'm calling her BeBe. She has a plume of hair on her hiney!

And here is the love of our lives, Mousey. She's been with us since she was a little baby, now she's almost 5 yrs old, somehow she still seems like a little kid that's never really quite 'grown up', if you know what I mean.

So now we have Mousey-Pie and Cookie-Pie and Bebe-kins to rule this house - the guinea pig way - once again everybody! ~

1 comment:

shopping mama queen said...

My gal absolutely loves the pics of your piggies..esp, the video on guinea pigs...

She had a good laugh over it..